Autumn is for the season change now.

SeedBall Herb Mix Seed Tin



A collection of scrumptious cooking herbs – a perfect addition to a kitchen garden! Each seed ball contains approximately 10 seeds from a mix of Basil, Dill, Parsley, Chives and Sweet Marjoram, which can be grown on a sunny spot on a kitchen windowsill inside (be sure to keep well-watered) or in a garden bed or pot outdoors. Do leave some of your Chive and Sweet Marjoram to flower, bees will love it!

Scatter at any time from early Spring until late Autumn 🙂 Each tin contains 20 balls, enough to cover 1 square metre in a garden bed or 3-5 medium sized pots (leave at least 10cm between each ball).


Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Aromatic annual or biennial with bright green, elliptic leaves and small, tubular white or pink-tinged flowers. The Latin word basileus means king: in ancient times these leaves were used to create perfumes for monarchs.


Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)

Allium are bulbous herbaceous perennials with a strong onion or garlic scent, linear, strap-shaped or cylindrical basal leaves and star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers in an umbel on a leafless stem.
Chives have a long history of use in the kitchen, with some recipes from China going back at least 5,000 years.


Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Its leaves are invaluable for cooking: its flowers for decorating salads and arranging, and its seeds for salads, baking and tagines.
Dill has been used for thousands of years, and in England in the 5th to 11th centuries it was used to treat headaches, stomach illness, boils and nausea, and other sickness.

parsley - Petroselinum crispum

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Aromatic biennials with broad, pinnate to 3-pinnate leaves and compound umbels of small white or pale green flowers.
There was an ancient belief that plucking a sprig of parsley while saying one’s enemy’s name would bring about the death of said enemy!


Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana)

Leaves and flowering sprigs are popular in Greek and Italian meat dishes, soups, stuffings, tomato sauces and pasta, where they are best used towards the end of the cooking process.
It was once believed that marjoram helped to nurture love.